Traditional learning differences with Inovativ the class of 'traditional', the teacher is considered as a person who knew everything and was assigned to deliver knowledge to students. Lack of interaction between teachers and students. This lack of interaction could slow the formation of values in the process of learning and teaching. Here the teacher serving as a transmitter of the material and control the state of students. Students are given all the material in preparation for his future. Traditional learning tends to make the students as recipients of information. Learning styles of individual students as well as student groups are not only positioned as recipients of information. Traditional teaching methods are only suitable for learning that is theoretical not practical studies.
Inovative have different learning with traditional learning differences are contextual learning is more student centered (learner centered) with the learning process takes place naturally in the form of study and experienced learners. Inovative Learning provides the opportunity for students to learn from friends through group work, discussion, mutual correction. Inovative're always learning usually try to apply what has been obtained in the process of learning to real-life human behavior given the self-awareness is built from any private individual. Give priority to the performance of teachers classify students, analyzing, predicting, and creative in doing their jobs. Include the responses of students in learning and teaching strategies to change the model or in accordance with the characteristics of the subject matter Exploring students' understanding of the concepts that will to be taugh before sharing his understanding of these concepts. Cultivate the attitude of the teacher wants to know the students through the use of learning models diverse.Education needs to be considered here there is no limit that is learning from birth to death.