Jumat, 30 September 2011


By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A
Reviewed by: Nafian Nurul Aziz (09301249005)
Pada hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Stacey, K, et al, (2001) konsep-konsep yang penting dalam pelaksanaan  mengajar  matematika berupa konsep teoritis terdiri dari epistemis kesetiaan, masalah berpose perangkat, link antara fitur perangkat dan target pengetahuan, sesuatu yang obyektif, keterlibatan siswa dan aksesbilitas.
Dalam membangun teori tentang subjek terkait membutuhkan cek silang untuk membandingkan beberapa titik pandangan yang independen.untuk mencapai sebuah teori tersebut penulis menggunakan beberapa pendekatan filsafat seperti interpretasi, hubungan didalamnya, idealisasi, perbandingan, analogi, dan deskripsi. Mahasiswa dimasukkan kedalam kegiatan mengajar matematika, kemudian guru sebagai pengirim atau pendukung , sedangkan siswa mempelajari materi fisik sebagi obyek belajar. Sehingga antara guru dan siswa terjadi transaksi motivasi dalam mempelajari benda-benda fisik.
Dalam penelitian tersebut kesetiaan epistemis material adalah salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi transparasi materi intruksional. Dan kesetiaan epistemis material tergantung pada materi matematika  dan tidak bbergantung pada penggunaan siswa. Peneliti menyatakan bahwa epistemis kesetiaan model bergantung pada hubungan fitur intrinsik dalam model untuk target struktur matematis.
Dalam usaha untuk transparasi setidaknya ada dua isu (baik sosial dan psikologis) yang mungkin dampak dari LAB dan MAB. Dalam kelompok MAB siswa mengalami kebingungan dengan mengingat nama–nama komponen baru sedangkan dalam LAB masalah terdiri dari:
1.      Siswa membingungkan batang penyelenggara dengan nilai komponen
2.      Siswa membingungkan tentang kri-kanan posisi kolom untuk menempatkan nilai
Model LAB lebih menguntungkan dan model LAB muncul untuk mempromosikan keterlibatan yang lebih kaya dalam kelas karena aksesbilitas yang lebih besar. Siswa secara spontan mengekplorasi ide-ide baru dan dapat membuat koneksi dengan representasi fisik lainnya. Berbeda dengan menggunakan MAB siswa perlu perjuangan terus menerus untuk dapat menggunakannya. Kelompok LAB lebih tinggi dari pada kelompok MAB.

Kamis, 29 September 2011


By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A
Reviewed by: Nafian Nurul Aziz (09301249005)
UNY is the university that developed toward the international level. UNY is the task of printing education personnel and develop science education and science teacher, in addition to print non-academics and educational professionals. UNY has an obligation to support government policy to develop the schools SBI / RSBI, and by taking steps toward angkah international universities. So substantively, stub to an international university is the responsibility and the needs of all civitas UNY, at all levels, institutions, faculty, students and employees. Whatever and whatever position UNY then is an absolute necessity to start a pilot to conduct an international university

Under the statute it is obliged to prepare two UNY Strategic Plan which is a reference implementation of long-term basis twenty years, which translated into a five-year medium-term strategic plan, and implemented in an annual performance plan. Strategy and policy development program developed by considering the three pillars of Education Ministry, the Equity and Access Expansion; Improving Quality, Relevance, and competitiveness, and strengthening governance Governance, Accountability, and Public Imagery.

In order to improve the quality of service and learning, enhance the image UNY in the community, as well as the implementation of the internationalization program UNY All faculty in UNY, all institutions, all the bureaus, UPT Library, as well as several departments in the faculty have quality management certificate ISO 9001:2000. In terms of cooperation, UNY already have a good relationship with stakeholders that include government agencies, business and industry, schools, universities, and professional certification body and related organizations in the form of MoU in both home and abroad.
The main purpose of a university involved in international interaction is a form of responsibility involved preparing graduates to be ready to navigate life in the era or the future. Benchmarking is a critical phase where the questionable quality of resources, involvement needs to dintensifkan and diekstensikan, need to communicate experiences, and perspectives international needs to be integrated. These skills will be the beginning of improved services to students and academicians, community and country.
For uniyersity students and uneversity level instruktor, pilot towards the WCU will be given the opportunity and ample opportunity to conduct international research, publish research results in international journals, and build international scientific community University State of Yogyakarta to the World Class University is a business that Yogyakarta State University conducted its whole organization and components of the civitas to achieve academic excellence of international standard in the field of Teaching and Education Program, Research and Publication
WCU programs developed as follows:
a.      Development of International Standard Prodi
b.      International Standard Curriculum
c.        International standard teaching and learning process
d.      Assessment of Learning Outcomes International Standard
e.      Teaching Material and Learning Resources International Standard
f.        Qualified Lecturer International Development
g.      Employee Development and other Education Personnel for Supporting WCU
h.      Infrastructures Supporting World Class University
i.        ICT-Based Management in order to support WCU
j.        International Standard Library to support the WCU
k.       Competent International Student Affairs
l.        Publication of Scientific Research and International Standard
m.    Dedicated To The Community (PPM) within the framework of WCU
n.      Cooperation and International Exchange

Sabtu, 24 September 2011


By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A
Reviewed by: Nafian Nurul Aziz (09301249005)
UNY is the university that developed toward the international level. UNY is the task of printing education personnel and develop science education and science teacher, in addition to print non-academics and educational professionals. UNY has an obligation to support government policy to develop the schools SBI / RSBI, and by taking steps toward angkah international universities. So substantively, stub to an international university is the responsibility and the needs of all civitas UNY, at all levels, institutions, faculty, students and employees. Whatever and whatever position UNY then is an absolute necessity to start a pilot to conduct an international university

Under the statute it is obliged to prepare two UNY Strategic Plan which is a reference implementation of long-term basis twenty years, which translated into a five-year medium-term strategic plan, and implemented in an annual performance plan. Strategy and policy development program developed by considering the three pillars of Education Ministry, the Equity and Access Expansion; Improving Quality, Relevance, and competitiveness, and strengthening governance Governance, Accountability, and Public Imagery.

In order to improve the quality of service and learning, enhance the image UNY in the community, as well as the implementation of the internationalization program UNY All faculty in UNY, all institutions, all the bureaus, UPT Library, as well as several departments in the faculty have quality management certificate ISO 9001:2000. In terms of cooperation, UNY already have a good relationship with stakeholders that include government agencies, business and industry, schools, universities, and professional certification body and related organizations in the form of MoU in both home and abroad.
The main purpose of a university involved in international interaction is a form of responsibility involved preparing graduates to be ready to navigate life in the era or the future. Benchmarking is a critical phase where the questionable quality of resources, involvement needs to dintensifkan and diekstensikan, need to communicate experiences, and perspectives international needs to be integrated. These skills will be the beginning of improved services to students and academicians, community and country.
For uniyersity students and uneversity level instruktor, pilot towards the WCU will be given the opportunity and ample opportunity to conduct international research, publish research results in international journals, and build international scientific community University State of Yogyakarta to the World Class University is a business that Yogyakarta State University conducted its whole organization and components of the civitas to achieve academic excellence of international standard in the field of Teaching and Education Program, Research and Publication
WCU programs developed as follows:
a.      Development of International Standard Prodi
b.      International Standard Curriculum
c.        International standard teaching and learning process
d.      Assessment of Learning Outcomes International Standard
e.      Teaching Material and Learning Resources International Standard
f.        Qualified Lecturer International Development
g.      Employee Development and other Education Personnel for Supporting WCU
h.      Infrastructures Supporting World Class University
i.        ICT-Based Management in order to support WCU
j.        International Standard Library to support the WCU
k.       Competent International Student Affairs
l.        Publication of Scientific Research and International Standard
m.    Dedicated To The Community (PPM) within the framework of WCU
n.      Cooperation and International Exchange