Selasa, 03 April 2012

Implementation Design Of Inovative Teaching Learning Process of Mathematics

Inovative learning system that uses the curriculum developed curriculum is the curriculum of each school is the educational unit. The curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the purpose, content, and teaching materials and methods used to guide the implementation of learning activities to achieve specific educational goals.
 SBC is the operational curriculum developed by and implemented in each educational unit. SBC consists of educational level of the education objectives, structure and level of the education curriculum, education calendar and syllabus. Syllabus covers the competency standards, basic competencies, subject matter / learning, learning activities, indicators, assessment, allocation of time, and resources / materials / learning tool. Syllabus is a translation standard of competence and basic competence in the subject matter / learning, learning activities, and indicators of achievement of competency for assessment. Teachers should develop according to a state school learning by developing the syllabus. Syllabus should be structured by subject teachers and teachers may cooperate with others.
SBC was developed based on the following principles:
Ø  Based on the potential, developments, needs and interests of learners and the environment.
Ø  Diverse and integrated
Ø  Responding to developments in science, technology and art
Ø  Relevant to the needs of life
Ø  Comprehensive and continuous
Ø  lifelong learning
Ø  Balance between national interests and regional interests
In the learning process of learning the teacher must have a device such as:
Ø  Lesson plan
Ø  Student work sheet
Ø  Modul
Ø  Hand out
Ø  Text book
Ø  Teaching aid
In the process of learning that teachers inovative not only convey the materials alone but should have the ideology that teachers who taught mathematics to be meaningful. Easy for students to receive lessons well, then the teacher should use approaches such as:
Ø  Contectual learning
Ø  Contructivistrealistic mathematics
Ø  Problem based learning
Ø  Cooperative learning
In learning mathematics is not just one method alone. Learning is also more interesting and students are not saturated if the method used to adjust the material change. in mathematical learning method that can be used such as:
Ø  Problem solving
Ø  Discussion
Ø  Inquiry
Ø  Investigation
Ø  Practical work
Ø  Individual
Ø  Small group discussion


Education Unit                      : SMP N 2 Ngemplak
Subject                                   : Mathematics
Class / Semester                     : VIII / I

1.      Understand the system of linear equations of two variables and use them in problem solving
 Standards competency :

B.     Basic Competencies       :
                                    1.1 Solving systems of linear equations of two variables


C.    Indicator             :          1.1.1 solving system of linear equation with two variables elimination method

D.    Time allocation   : 1 x 20 minutes
E.     Objectives Learning
1.      Learners can solve systems of linear equations with a mixture of two variables(elimination and substitution)
F.     Teaching Materials

Complete the syistem of linear equations of two variables using mixed methods (elimination and subtitusion)
Elimination = whilst removing or hiding any of the variables
Examples of problems:
Bowo and Radit went to a stationery store to buy books and pencils. Radit bought three books and two pencils at a price of Rp. 6500.00 and Bowo bought two books and pencils three for Rp. 6000.00. specify:
a.       The price of a book
b.      The price of a pencil

Suppose: the price of the book = b
               the price of pencils = p
will be obtained is the equation becomes:

                           ......... equation (1)
 ......... equation (2)
 substituted into one equation, thus obtained:
So the price of 1 book = Rp 1000.00 and Rp 1500.00 price of a pencil

G.    Learning  methods
 Expository and discussion methods.

H.    Teaching and Learning Activities

Teacher’s activity
1)      Intoduction (5 minutes)
The teacher gives greeting to the students : “Good morning my students”
The teacher leads the students to pray together : Before we start our lesson, please let’s pray together.
The teacher asks the students about the student’s condition “How are you today?” then also ask about student’s presence “Any students absent today?”
Teachers to review the material as it is taught today on two variable linear equations.
2)      Main Activities (14 minutes)
The teacher gives examples of issues the two variable system of linear equation with mixed methods (elimination and subtitution).
The teacher explains how to solve systems of linear equations of two variables using mixed methods to solve a given problem.
The teacher asks the students "what is there is still confusion solving systems of linear equations using a mixture of two variables?"
Teachers share the worksheets to work in groups.
After all work is completed worksheets, the teacher asked one representative of each group do the work at the board.
Teachers evaluate student work
3)      Closing (1 minutes)
4)      The teaching learning process is ended by pray together then the teacher gives greeting for the students : “Good afternoon my students!

Student’s activities
1)      Intoduction (5 minutes)
The students answer the teacher’s greeting.
The students follow the teacher to pray together.
The students answer the teacher’s question.
The students pay attention the teacher’s explanation
2)      Main Activities (14 minutes)
The students listen to the teacher’s explanation carefully.
The students answer the teacher
Students form groups
Students work on worksheets
Representatives from each group to write the discussion at the board
Students listen to the strengthening of teacher

3)      Closing (1 minutes)
The students pray together and answer the teacher’s greeting.

I.       Sources and Media
BSE Contextual Teaching and Learning Matematika kelas VII edisi 4, published by Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

J.      Assessment
Procedure               : Written assessment
Form of instrument: Test description
1.      Tutik go to the store to buy 1 kg of rice and 4 kg of cooking oil by paying Rp 14000.00. Joko also bought 2 kg of rice and 1 kg of cooking oil by paying Rp 10500.00. The price for 1 kg of rice and 1 kg of cooking oil is ....
2.      Determine Settlement Association (HP) of the equation 2x + 3y = -5; x - 2y = -6 with mixed methods (substitution and elimination)

1.      Suppose:   the price of 1 kg of rice = s
the price of cooking oil 1 kg = b
then the equation will be obtained:
                .........equation (1)  
 .........equation (2)                               score = 3
                                                                                              score = 4
          substituted into one equation, example to equation (2) thus obtained:
So the price of 1 kg of rice = Rp 4000.00 and the price of cooking oil 1 kg Rp 2500.0                                                                                     Score = 3

2.      Form equqtion:                           score = 3

                                                                                           score = 4
                                    So it is HP  {-4, 1}                        score = 3

                   Score =  = 10                        

                                                                                            Nafian Nurul Aziz
                                                                                            NIM. 09301249005