By : Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Reviewed by: Nafian Nurul Aziz
Education is a conscious effort to develop the knowledge, skills and personality of the subject students. In the short term, education means teaching and learning in the classroom; in the medium term education means students complete the subject development, and in the long run education is a cultural phenomenon involving moral values, aesthetic and cultural.
According to Fullan (1991), the meaning of education reform involves two things: first, in an effort to intensify the reform of the system and, secondly, the reform as an effort to restructure. Efforts to intensify the system can be revamping the curriculum, textbook production system, teaching methods, evaluation and utilization of system resources teaching / learning. While restructuring can involve aspects of management education, improving the teacher's role in making education policy, renewed vision and perception of education, increase public involvement in the educational process, system development in-service training for teachers, administrative systems and increasing the role of students.
To improve the quality of education, in order to achieve educational goals that include at least two things: educating students with various subjects of academic ability, skill or knowledge, and, develop all potential possessed by the subject student. If given the significance of education reform in an effort to innovate the educational factors that influence include: the availability and quality of the innovation itself, the impact of innovation, the role of government, the role of the teacher, the role of public and educational policy. In this case, the innovation is strongly influenced by the needs, readiness of human resources and natural resources.
There are at least 3 (three) main factors of a reform can occur: (1) disaster factors, which may include natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, fires, famine, etc.., (2) the influence of information technology, (3) and the conflicts that occur because of differences of interest among community components.
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