Minggu, 11 September 2011

Landasan pengembangan desain pembelajaran matematika disekolah lanjutan

By: Dr. Marsigit, M.A
Reviewed by: Nafian Nurul Aziz
Math lessons for students is very difficult and for teachers teach hard too. To teach students the necessary mathematical methods, interesting ways so that students are not saturated and bored of math. But on the other hand teachers also had a late many obstacles in implementing these methods. Understanding the material. Learning facilities, the existing system and also affects the environment konsisi nets learning mathematics.
When teachers are faced with a national exam, teachers are required to provide the best for their students. That is the highest achievement of the target value of national exam. And to achieve those targets teachers  also not  easy because of differences in character and ability of students. Failure of students are not entirely error-students but could also be from the teacher because of lack of understanding of mathematics learning technology development so that students are less like math.
Bringing the essence of studying mathematics is actually subjective and objective mathematical knowledge through social interactions to obtain, test, represents the new knowledge they have gained. Studying math is not enough just to read and work on the problems alone but it takes creativity which requires initiatives that encourage imagination weeks to think differently
The learning environment also affects the course of learning because it can stimulate the emergence of mathematical problem. Different atmosphere to foster new thinking. Because math taught to be logical, consistent, skilled in solving problems and be able to use props preformance solve a problem.
Students' enthusiasm for learning if it is motivated. Therefore, teachers should also be able to give an injection of motivation so that students are not easily bored. Teachers should be able to provide a fun atmosphere with attention to students' desires, creating a classroom atmosphere that supports and stimulates learning, provide activities that challenge and appreciate each student achievement.

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